How to do Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction with Yanhua Module 35


Yanhua Mini ACDP mileage correction module 35 has been released, supporting Toyota semi-liquid crystal instrument mileage correction chip model R7F701441. This is a tutorial on how to do Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction with Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 + Module 35.


  • Turn on the ignition to get the instrument panel on.
  • Record the original mileage
  • Remove the instrument to disassemble it, confirm the chip model is RF7F01441.


Power on Mini ACDP and open app, confirm the device has been bound.


Module >> TOYOTA ODO >> R7F701441

Connect the interface board to the device properly, instruction can be check in “Help”.

Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction with Yanhua Module 35

Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction with Yanhua Module 35


Identify Info >> OK

Please use the ACDP standard power adapter(voltage+ 12V, current > = 2.5A)

Connect the ACDP, interface board, and instrument module.

Continue >> Continue

Checking information, it says the chip need pre-processing.

Click OK.

Identify chip info finish.


Pre-process chip >> Backup data >> OK >> Continue >> Continue >> Continue

Don’t power off or unplug the device while reading chip data.

Please save chip data.

Read chip data finish.

Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction with Yanhua Module 35

Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction with Yanhua Module 35

Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction with Yanhua Module 35

Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction with Yanhua Module 35


Decrype chip >> OK >> Continue >> Continue >> Continue

During the chip preprocessing, it’s porhibited to power off or unplug the device.

Pre-process chip is finish.


Return to previous menu.

Reset mileage(auto mode) >> OK >> Continue >> Continue

The info display chip DO NOT need preprocessing now.

Click “Continue”.

Please save the original data of the instrument.


Chip model: R7F701441

Mileage(km): 1200

Click “Continue” to adjust mileage: 1100km

Writing chip data…

Reset mileage finish.


Install the instrument panel into the car, check if the mileage displayed on the instrument panel is normal.


Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction with Yanhua Module 35

Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction with Yanhua Module 35

Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction with Yanhua Module 35

Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction with Yanhua Module 35
