Recommended tool! VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster mileage calibration


Looking for a universal mileage calibration tool, which tool can calibrate the mileage of VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster? Currently, Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 and CGDI CG100X Programmer at can support mileage correction for VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster.


1.Yanhua ACDP2

Require Yanhua VW MQB R7F701401/21-5D Interface Board and Yanhua Module 34 with license

NO NEED soldering. Don’t need to remove resistors.

VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster mileage calibration

Support models (not limited to):

Golf 8, Teramont, Viloran, Tavendor, Lamando, Tiguan L…


Support cluster numbers:

5GD920340A, 5GD920340C, 5HG920340, 5HG920340A, 5HG920340B, 5HG920340C, 5H0920340A, 3JD920340…


Support chip models:

R7F701401, R7F701421

VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster mileage calibration


Mini ACDP Menu Path:

VW>> VW MQB IMMO (ODO)>> MQB48/49 ODO- Method 2 (R7F7014xx 5A/5C)>> R7F701401 (5D) or R7F701421 (5D)

VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster mileage calibration

VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster mileage calibration

VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster mileage calibration


Connection Method:

1.Find the Yanhua ACDP VW MQB R7F701401/21-5D interface board installation area on the instrument according to the visual positioning mark on the interface board, and remove two screws

2.Locate the D1, D2, D3, and D4 positioning holes correctly on the instrument panel

3.Accurately place the interface board into the installation area, align the D1 and D2 positioning points screw hole

4.Check the test point pin definition

5.Press down on the interface board, tighten the screws, and complete the installation

VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster mileage calibration

VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster mileage calibration

VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster mileage calibration

VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster mileage calibration

VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster mileage calibration

VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster mileage calibration

VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster mileage calibration


Yanhua R7F701401/21-5D Interface Board Overall Connection Diagram:

VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster mileage calibration


Yanhua ACDP2 with Module 34 also supports VW MQB RH850 5A and 5C Clusters IMMO and Mileage Correction below (not limited to):

  • R71F701401/R7F701402/R7F701407 5A:

83A920700B, 83A920700, 8V0920740B, 81A920740L, 51G920640D, 55G920790, 2GD920790A, 5GD920790, 5NG920640C, 5NG920650C, 5ND920650C, 5NG920654, 2GG920640, 3GB920640,

3GB920790, 56G920790, 3VD920740B


  • R7F701401/R7F701402/R7F701404/R7F701405/R7F701406/R7F701407 5C:

3GB920640A, 3GB920640B, 3GB920640C, 3GD920640D, 19G920640B, 19G920640C, 19D920640B, 19D920640C, 17G920640A, 2GD920640B, 2GD920640C, 5GD920640D, 5ED920860C, 19G920650B,

19G920650C, 55G920650A, 55G920650B, 55G920650C, 5HG920340, 5HG920340A, 5HG920340B, 5HG920340C, 5NG920640D, 5NG920650D, 2GG920640A, 51G920640E


  • D70F3423 +95320: 31G920850B, 18G920860B, 31G920850A, 18G920860A, 31G920850F, 34D920850C, 31G920850C, 34D920850E, 31G920860A, 34D920850G


  • D70F3426+95128: 5GG920640, 5GG920860, 5GG920860A, 5G0920861A

Yanhua ACDP with Module 34 Change VW MQB 3426+95128 Dashboard Mileage



Need to update the software to the newest version

CG100X D1 Adapter is also required.

Need to remove capacitors.

It cannot decode IMMO data.

VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster mileage calibration


Supports chip models:

  • Volkswagen MQB R7F7014xx-Removal of capacitor way R7F701404 (Only 5D Meters)
  • Volkswagen MQB R7F7014xx-Removal of capacitor way R7F701401 (Only 5D Meters)

VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster mileage calibration


Connection diagram:

VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster mileage calibration

VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster mileage calibration

VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster mileage calibration

VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster mileage calibration


CG100X V1.6.4.0 download link:


CG100X V1.6.4.0 Update on Nov. 25th, 2024:

  1. Added 20 models to dashboard.
  2. Added 16 models to airbag.
  3. Added 4 models to read-write.

The following models are added for dashboard.


Sole Electric four wheel 24C02

Dayun YITU STM32F103VE

 Volkswagen MQB R7F7014xx-Removal of capacitor way R7F701404 (Only 5D Meters)

 Volkswagen MQB R7F7014xx-Removal of capacitor way R7F701401 (Only 5D Meters)

DongFeng TuyiT5Q 9S12HY64

DongFeng ChaoLong CAT1023

DongFeng Epica V5 MB96F696R

DongFeng LX1304 Tractor 93C66

DongFeng Chenglong T5 24C08

DongFeng Xiaobawang 2022- 24C04

HaoJue SuzukiTR300 93C66


Sanhuan Haolong Half board truck 2022- 24C08

Shaanxi Auto Dragon X3000 25LC256 (25256)

Shaanxi Auto Delong X6000 93C86

WuLing new card 2023- 24C16

Easy coffee X6 R5F10DPEJ

CNHTC Haowo tongshuai 2024- CAT1023

Zhongxing FuXin S R5F10DSLL

The following models are added for airbag.

AIAN 8040003CRV0000 R7F7010643 (encrypted)

DongFeng M4-5824040 R7F7010643 (encrypted)

Trumpchi 8040003ADE0100 R7F7010643 (encrypted)

Trumpchi 8040003ARX0100 R7F7010643 (encrypted)

Wilma VF20004400 R7F701A033 (encrypted)

Wilma VF20005700 R7F7010643 (encrypted)

WuLing 24373894 R7F7010643 (encrypted)

ChangAn 3658100-CD11 R7F701A033 (encrypted)

ChangAn 3658100-MK03-AW02-AA R7F701A033 (encrypted)

ChangAn 3658100-MK06-M01 R7F7010643 (encrypted)

ChangAn 3658100-MK01-CJ01-AA R7F701A033 (encrypted)

ChangAn 3658100-MK06-DE01 R7F701A033 (encrypted)

ChangAn 3658100-MK06-BH01 R7F7010643 (encrypted)

ChangAn 3658100-MK06-BN32 R7F7010643 (encrypted)

Great Wall 3658112XST02A R7F7010643 (encrypted)

Great Wall 3658112XNW01A R7F7010643 (encrypted)

The following models are added for dashboard read-write.

ChangAn CS75 PLUS 2023- 24C32 (read write)

Dayun G6 STM32F103VE (read write)

Toyota Levin R7F701401 (read write)

Shaanxi Auto Delong L5000 95640 (read write)


In addition, CG100X also can support VW MQB 5A and 5C Clusters as follow.

MQB 5A Cluster Models:

  • D70F34xx:

Via removal of capacitor way

  • D70F35xxx:

Full Liquid Crystal- Capacitor Removal Way

Full –LCD- Cut Wire or Warp Pin Method

Pointer Meter- Capacitor Removal Way

Pointer Meter- Cutting or Warping Way

  • R7F7014xx (R7F701401/ R7F701402/ R7F701407):

Via removal of capacitor way


RH850 5C Cluster Models:

R7F7014xx- Removal of capacitor way






Learn more:

CG100X Added VW MQB RH850 R7F7014xx 5A and 5C Cluster
