Using OBDSTAR X300M To change mileage On VW NEC 24C32 VDO


Look here: Here are steps guide for using OBDSTAR X300M to correct  VW NEC 24C32 VDO mileage.From original mileage 150111km to 100001KM.

Currrent mileage:X300m Mileage Correction Vw 2

Follow these steps to correct the mileage quickly:

Step1.X300m to the OBD port on VW

X300m Mileage Correction Vw 3

Step2. Start OBDSTAR X300M Mileage Correction Tool, choose CLUTER CALIBATE->VW->VW Vxx(latest version)->Select from Type->NEC 24C32 VDO->Read write mileage->Mileage adjustment


X300m Mileage Correction Vw 1 X300m Mileage Correction Vw 4 X300m Mileage Correction Vw 5 X300m Mileage Correction Vw 6 X300m Mileage Correction Vw 7 X300m Mileage Correction Vw 8 X300m Mileage Correction Vw 10 X300m Mileage Correction Vw 11 X300m Mileage Correction Vw 12

Step3.Turn ignition pls, Then X300M  will automatically read the data

X300m Mileage Correction Vw 13 X300m Mileage Correction Vw 14 X300m Mileage Correction Vw 15

X300m Mileage Correction Vw 16

Step4.please enter a filename to save

X300m Mileage Correction Vw 17 setup the new mileage; i input 100000
X300m Mileage Correction Vw 18


Step5. Make sure you turn igination on ,the press ENT to continueX300m Mileage Correction Vw 19

One minute later,the the mileage adjustment complete!!!

We check it on the dashboard,  the new mileage shows:100001 KM.

X300m Mileage Correction Vw 21 X300m Mileage Correction Vw 20

So, it’s successful.

