Car model and year: Toyota prius 2005y dash
Purpose: Read and write KM
Toyota Prius 2005 KM reading & writing, digiprog has problem, orange 5 ,Carprog, digimaster 3 are all ok, go on reading for instruction.
Tool to test:
- digiprog 3: Failed
Using soldering points as it is showing in manual. After reading I got wrong mileage 1114095km…original mileage is 275 000km. but after writing that km which you need, dash shows everything ok in car.
orange 5 programmer + nyo : success
I read it with orange 5 programmer without any problems. Calculated with nyo, as landruiser 93c66. Attached 100% working pinout reading in circuit, maybe someone would be useful this post in the future
- Carprog full firmware V8.21 : success
Carprog is ok for tis dash–prius 93c66
Change KM Toyota Prius 2006 93C66 for example:
Remove unit from car. Open it and find internal 93C66 EEPROM memory inside.
Use the Carprog A4, A5 or A6(due to situation) EEPROM adapter and change mileage.
In most cases need to remove EEPROM from the board.
Open carprog full software
Select Dashboard->Toyota->Prius->Prius Yazakj 93C66 v0.4
Manually enter mileage you desired
Press Write KM
Write KM success.
- Yanhua digimaster 3 : success
I recommend Yanhua digimaster 3, it works for Prius 93c66.
Method: it needs to dismantle the dashboard and read the data.
Look at this image: digimaster 3 for prius
Edit by Laurance